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Closing the loop

We live in some of the most peaceful times in history. Having taught self defense systems for over two decades, I am grateful for the current state of our society.

If we put this timeframe in relation to other places or times in history, we have advanced in many ways. Supports, family, friendships, work related assistance programs etc have helped to provide a safer society.

Our justice system and law enforcement do their best to provide a sense of security. This will always be disputed on how or to whom the laws are effective for. This is a thankless job and these men and women walk a dangerous line daily. Thank you.

Because of a feeling of safety and lower crime exposures by the average citizen, we have focused on the skills of interactions through which communication is the primary form of conflict resolution. Solid communication skills are critical in today’s society.

The downside of this is that the average person has forgotten what true violence is. The darker part of our society which uses violence against people as easily as a fork at the kitchen table. Without a second thought. Preferred.

When the average person encounters this type of individual, they are sorely unprepared and taken aback with its raw savagery . Why are my communication skills not working?

Because this individual does not care…some enjoy the feeling of power and the fear they illicit in you. It gives them a sense of satisfaction and something to brag about as they perpetuate their violence on you. Like the bully on the playground, it gives them self worth. There are no rules, they can do whatever they want if unchecked.

The ugly statistics of violence is that random violence towards others is extremely low. A high percentage of violence is perpetrated by someone we know or are in a relationship with. In some cases survival is a daily challenge. Each choice carefully made not to upset the other person. A horrific way to live and our hearts go out to you, and our hope that you find a window to escape that situation.

Closing the loop means looking at how you live your life, choices you make which give you happiness and taking a hard look at what you are needing to build skills in. A more rounded approach to your life skills. Great at first aid, great at talking and deescalating people who are in an aroused emotional state. Depending on where you live looking at skills that you need to develop to give you more survival strategies.

If after the personal assessment you find you lack defensive skills, don’t feel bad. Every month people from all walks of life walk through our doors asking for help with this aspect of their lives. Many have tried going to a specific martial arts gym to fill the gap only to find it did not fit what they needed, instructors/students were ego driven or they felt uncomfortable doing what was being asked. We have found this particularly with people who have experienced true violence. The wounds are close to the surface and small victories are part of the healing process.

The job of myself and my instructors is to provide you with an environment which allows you to learn defensive skills at your pace. We work with many different learning types and enjoy the challenges people bring to us. It makes us better and we (both you and the instructors) journey this path together for the best outcome.

It takes courage for a person to step outside their comfort zone, particularly when it comes to learning a defensive system. They cannot afford to get hurt with work and family commitments. We do a very good job of keeping you safe and giving you skills and the confidence to use them when (or if) you need them.

I hope this provides you with insights into who we are and why we do what we do. We are here for you and truly look forward to meeting you should you decide you need to “close that loop” and learn some defensive skills that are proven and effective.

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