Self-Defence for Kids & Teens in Edmonton
The older your kids get, the more time they'll spend away from the family, at school, extra-curricular activities and with friends. They may experience risks with other kids or even adults at school, on public transit, or in other social environments. Equip your children to make good life choices and take care of themselves by learning how to set physical boundaries and enforce these boundaries while having a healthy respect for physical force.
The Junior Krav Maga self-defence program includes Kids Krav Maga (ages 7-12) and Teen Krav Maga (ages 13 to 17). This internationally-successful program was designed specifically for kids and teens to learn how to defend themselves in real life in a holistic way with situational awareness, verbal skills, body language, and physical skills. Physical skills include disengaging from uncomfortable friendly situations, avoiding, escaping, evading risky situations, blocking and counter-striking aggressive situations. These are co-ed classes where kids of similar age and size will be partnered together. Learn more about what the curriculum is for Kids and Teens.
How the Junior Classes Work
When are classes?
2 classes per week: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5-5:50pm
Full year program is 3 sessions. Each session is 12 weeks / 24 classes:
Fall session: September to December
Winter session: January to March
Spring session: April to June
How much are classes for one child? Multiple children?
One child: 12 week session is $325+GST
Have multiple children? Save on the second (5-10%) and third child (10-20%) who are part of the same household when you register them together.
Finances holding you back from registering your child? We have solutions!
How does it work?
Kids Krav Maga (ages 7-12) and Teen Krav Maga (ages 13-17) run simultaneously in separate groups. Children of similar ages and sizes are partnered together.
Progress tests are done every 6 weeks for Kids. Rank tests are done at the end of each year for Kids and Teens which when passed, allows the child to move to the next level. Read more about the exams.
Uniform is a t-shirt given to the child on day 1 and included in the tuition. Read more about the uniform in our FAQs.
How Junior Krav Maga is different
from other kids martial arts programs
Students walk away with skills to keep them safe day one. It doesn't take years to become proficient.
Our culture is caring, safe and respectful, while at the same time stretching all students to grow.
We help students understand when and where it's appropriate to use soft techniques and when to use aggression and force. This includes teaching assertiveness and aggression to children who are more timid, and respect to children who are more naturally aggressive and forceful.
We talk about and simulate real life situations, including multiple attackers, different weapons, and no rules but do it in an age-appropriate way, often with fun games.
Krav Maga teaches no rules for safety and survival in real life, because predators do not follow rules. (Martial arts teaches rules to win competitions.)
Krav Maga focuses on intuitive gross motor-skills and concepts which work under fear, rather than finicky, complex, fine motor-skills.
We teach technique in a safe and controlled manner so you don't have to worry that your child will end up hurt.
We provide more variability in activities and games with less structure, which keeps the attention spans of students with ADHD or ADD more easily.
No expensive uniform or hidden fees. Our uniform is a t-shirt, which is included in the price, and clean indoor running shoes. We provide some protective equipment for the rare times we use it in class, or you are welcome to purchase your own for your child if you choose. Read our FAQs for more info below.
High adult-to-student ratio, with all adults certified to assist in this program and have passed a vulnerability sector background check.
Small class sizes. We allow a maximum of 25 students per class only to ensure everyone's safety.
So many reasons why your child
will love coming to Krav Maga!

Build Confidence
Your kids will noticeably grow in confidence over weeks and months as they stretch their skills in a safe place. Teens learn leadership in mentoring the younger kids.

Have Fun
Your kids will have a blast playing a lot of different games that have real-life applications.

Understand Physical Boundaries
Your kid or teen will learn how to protect their personal space, including what healthy physical boundaries are and how to set and enforce them using voice, body language and soft & hard physical techniques.

Learn Life Skills
Your kids will learn valuable life skills to help them be street smart, like situational awareness and how to recognize danger. They will also know what to do in the event that they were in a dangerous situation.

Make Friends
Your kids will make friends with other kids in the class, so that they'll want to come to class to see their friends.

Increase Physicality
So many kids and teens are used to being stationary in front of screens. This class will increase their physical abilities and therefore their mental well being too!
What do Kids and Teens Learn?
We cover the IKMF curriculum for the Kids program, levels K1 to K5 and Teens program, levels J1/P1 to J5/P5. Once they turn 18 years old, they are able to join the regular adult class. Every rank exam they take allows them to progress to the next level.
The first level is taught in an age-appropriate way to kids and likewise to teens. It includes learning the following with fun games:
Stances and movement
How to fall safely (if they get pushed to the ground) and get up quickly to escape
Soft techniques to maintain boundaries
Defenses against common strikes
Defenses using common objects (such as backpack)
Defenses against multiple attackers
Defenses against chokes
Basic strikes such as palm-heel strikes, punches, elbows, hammers, kicks, etc. AND when (and when not) to use these!
Increasing awareness, managing fear, understanding how attacks happen, building confidence and dealing with bullying
And more!
Register your children for Junior Krav Maga classes now!
You have the option to register one or more kids / teens for a 12-week session.
- Apr 08, 2025, 5:00 p.m. – Jun 26, 2025, 5:50 p.m.
Not sure if your children will enjoy classes?
Let them try it first!
- Sat, Apr 05Tip of Spear Academy
Need Financial Options?
Do you have children who would love to take Krav Maga lessons, but it's out of your budget?
Canadian Tire Jumpstart offers grants for kids who want to take multi-week long physical activity programs, and our Krav Maga classes qualify! Go to Canadian Tire Jumpstart to learn more and apply now.
KidSport supports children who need financial assistance with sport registration fees, such as our Kids and Teens class tuition. Go to KidSport Edmonton to learn more and apply for a grant now.
As a final option, flexible payment options are available upon request. Please contact us for more information.
Examinations & Progression
For kids (only), progress tests are done every 6 weeks (twice per session) and are included in the tuition. Each time kids take and pass a progress test, they earn a stripe on their patch.
Kids and teens who take the full year program are given the option to take the rank (level) exam at the end of the year for an additional fee of $100+GST. If a student attends the majority of the classes, they should be more than prepared to take the rank exam if they choose. Taking the exam allows them to progress to the next level. A grade of 85% is required to pass the rank exam. When a student passes, they receive a certificate, a new patch for their next level, and a passport (or update to their passport).
For instructions on how to attach the patch to the clothing, please read our FAQ section below about the uniform.
Isn't Krav Maga a martial art? What's the difference?Read our article Krav Maga: The Anti-Martial Art for a thorough explanation on why it's not a martial art.
Can I come watch or try a class to decided if I want to register?We try to create the safest space for our students, so it can be uncomfortable to have someone they don't know watching them as they train. As such, we typically don't allow observers to our class, except if it's family or friends that want to watch and cheer them on during an exam. If you want to see what classes are like, please check out the many videos on our website, Facebook and Instagram accounts. Or if you want to try out a class, attend a 3 hour Saturday morning seminar or book a private lesson to try it out yourself!
I have an injury or physical limitation. Can I take classes?Krav Maga is intended for everyone, especially those with physical limitations. Those with physical limitations are often considered "easy target" as they are sitting ducks by those who have ill intentions. Krav Maga can be modified to account for any physical limitation or injury so you can feel confident knowing you can keep yourself safe regardless. If you're not sure if group classes or private lessons are a better fit for you, please contact us and we'd be happy to discuss your situation and options!
My fitness level isn't very good. Will I be able to keep up?You are enough to start, just as you are! One question we often get is whether or not someone is good enough, fit enough, or has enough experience to start. Our answer is always: wherever you are at is perfect. All students are encouraged to work at their pace, while continually challenging themselves. Students will never be forced to do something they don't feel comfortable doing. We are here to learn, grow and get better, in our fitness, skills, awareness and confidence!
What ages are welcome to train? Am I too young? Too old?All of our classes are adult classes and are open to ages 12+ (with parental consent if they are a minor). We currently do not have any children's programs, and encourage children who are grade 1 and younger to focus on fitness, coordination and fun through other activities. We have no limit to the age or our participants and often have individuals attend who are in their 60s and 70s. These individuals work at their own pace and speed for what's comfortable for them, working around injuries or challenges with their body. Body limitations should be a reason why someone should train, rather than why they should not, as assailants often choose individuals who are more vulnerable.
I'm interested in taking classes but I'm afraid of getting injured. What are my chances of getting injured?All training is done in a safe, controlled and highly supervised environment with certified instructors. Although injury is always possible with any physical activity, we ensure all technique is taught in a safe manner to reduce risk of injury or accidents. We focus on ensuring the student learns the technique properly before adding additional stress and aggression training.
I have experience physical altercations or abuse in the past. Is this a safe environment for me to learn?Yes, absolutely. We have students from all different backgrounds and levels of trauma. We are sensitive to this and can ensure the method of delivery of the training is unique for you. We have a highly supportive group of instructors and students that can help, even if you do get triggered. Students are encouraged to learn and grow at their own pace, have fun and grow their confidence!
What equipment do I need to have in order to train?Read our article Required Gear for all info on what you need to train safely.
How long do I need to train before I become proficient in Krav Maga?This depends on you. We work hard to ensure that students have tools coming out of their very first class that they can use right away. Students who attend two classes per week, give 100% effort in their training, and who are highly coachable usually progress quite quickly through the system. The more you train (physically or mentally reviewing technique in your mind at home), the quicker the muscle memory builds and the more proficient you become. We have many stories of students who successfully used what was taught in class to help them in real life!
Is there a uniform I have to buy and wear?For beginners, there is no mandatory uniform. Beginners are welcome to purchase a Tip of Spear Krav Maga tshirt when they feel ready. If you want to do your test at the end of beginner session, you will need to wear a Tip of Spear Krav Maga tshirt and black pants or shorts, as this is the "uniform" required by IKMF.
What type of commitment do I have to make to train?For beginners, we want to see brand new students give Krav Maga a solid try before deciding whether they want to continue. We believe students won't know if it's a good fit, develop a solid foundation or have a good sense as to what training will be like until they've taken the Beginner Session and studied with us for 3 months. If a student is still not sure if they want to commit to a 3 month Beginner session, they are welcome to register for a Flexi-Pass, register for a 3-hour Personal Protection seminar, or register for a Private Lesson. For intermediate and advanced students, there is no commitment for the monthly pass, and no penalty for cancelling at any time. As long as we have room in the class and they are at least a P1 level, the passes are available for purchase and the individual is welcome to attend.
I want to register for classes but I can only attend once per week due to work/school. Can I / should I still register? How do I keep up with the rest of the class?If you are only able to attend once per week or have an inconsistent evening schedule due to work or school, we recommend registering for the Flexi-Pass. With this monthly pass, you can take up to 4 classes per month and choose to attend the classes that best fit your schedule for each week, Monday to Thursday. Simply book the class you want to attend on our app prior to the class and show up! This is a monthly subscription that can be paused or cancelled at any time. Note that unused classes cannot be carried over to the following month. For those who register for a Regular 3 Month Beginner session and miss a class, we always post what we cover in class in our Beginner class group chat on our app, so you know what you missed. We also go over technique multiple times over the three months so you'll have an opportunity to practice it another class. And of course, we always encourage our students to practice at home!
Why do you charge more overall for those who pay for Beginner classes on a monthly basis?We charge $325+GST as the one-time tuition for Beginner classes. For those who choose to make a 3-part payment and pay monthly, we split the charge up into 3 payments ($108.33+GST) and add an additional $26.67+GST service fee per month to handle the extra administration of tracking and ensuring all payments get processed properly.
I registered for classes. Now what?Once you've registered and purchased your session or pass, read Attending Your First Class for information on coming to your first class including what gear to bring. Then, let's have some fun in class!
How does the testing process work?We offer the option to test at the end of each session. If a student does not feel ready to test, they are welcome to continue training and to test at the next date. The test takes place during the last regularly scheduled class and is usually 2 hours long. Students will be tested on all the curriculum for the P1 level along with a small amount of fitness. Students must wear a Tip of Spear IKMF shirt and black pants or shorts to test. The student must receive a grade of 85% or higher to pass. When the student passes their test, they receive: a certificate, their IKMF passport (which shows all dates of all levels tested and allows them to train at any IKMF studio internationally), their IKMF patch and their P1 patch (both to be worn on their pants or shorts going forward). The test is $100+GST. After the student passes their P1 exam, they are invited to join the Intermediate class to begin working on their P2 level. For levels P2 and up, testing is offered once or twice per year, and is up to the student whether they feel like they know the curriculum well enough to test. Each subsequent level is tested cumulatively so they will be tested on their current level and all previous levels. Testing for all other levels is $50+GST. Testing is never mandatory but encouraged to continue to challenge themselves with progressively more complex situations and technique.
The beginner session has already started. Can I still register?If registration has been closed for the Regular Beginner session, you are welcome to register for the Monthly Beginner classes, or wait until the next Regular Beginner session. Make sure you sign up for our emails to be notified!
I'm registering for Intermediate or Advanced training halfway through the season. Would it be better to wait until the next session? Will I be left behind if I start now?For our Intermediate and Advanced classes, we don't have sessions where the class all goes at the same pace together. As long as we have room, students are welcome to start at any time and will train at their own pace. If you would like to register for Intermediate or Advanced classes, please contact us.
Why are there monthly passes for Intermediate and Advanced Classes?Monthly passes work best for us and our intermediate and advanced students for several reasons. Monthly passes are ideal for students who want to train regularly with us, are dedicated to advancing in their levels and can attend during the week in the evenings. Please note that if you purchase a pass with us, there is no requirement to attend every single class, but it is encouraged. Being a member allows you to attend all of the classes of your level within the IKMF Rank. Membership gives you access to the training centre for additional material and information on IKMF Krav Maga. Membership also pays back into the club for equipment and group social activities. Plus, it allows us to focus on training, rather than the hassle of handling payment for individual classes. Your investment is not only in the club, but back into you!
What is your refund policy?Please see our Policy page for all of our policies, including our refund policy.